Buchanan Studios Blog

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Archive for September 18th, 2008

Location Photography

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Office Photography in Maryland

Location photography from Federalsburg, Maryland

A large portion of our work is done on location.  Sometimes the shoot specifically features a location in the shot (ie, a shot of a factory or office). Other times we come to a clients office and set up a mobile studio. When working at a clients facility many factors come into play.  The biggest issue is often space. Depending on the nature of the job the space requirements vary greatly.  If we are shooting executive portraits a large conference room will often work well.  Generally speaking a 16×20 clear area works well. Of course larger is always better and we’ve certainly worked in smaller spaces.  Another issue to consider is foot traffic. We use lights and computers and tripods and things that make walking tricky sometimes.  For that reason setting up in an area open to the public presents special considerations, nothing that can’t be handled, but it’s good to know about it in advance.

Written by stevebuchanan

September 18, 2008 at 8:32 am