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Archive for October 24th, 2008

Respect the copyright, part 3

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China’s record of protecting intellectual property rights has been, well, abysmal. Lately Microsoft has been ‘black screening’ users of pirated software when updating their software. Ironically, MS may be liable under Chinese law for hacking. (click here for story)  As one radio announcer put it, that’s like getting sued by the guy that stole your car because it has a flat tire.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m generally not a fan of Microsoft. To this day, I can’t use a windows machine without getting a shiver down my spine, but any organization that fights for intellectual property rights is ok in my book.  Please, don’t use pirated software.

Written by stevebuchanan

October 24, 2008 at 10:21 pm

Privacy and photography

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portrait photography in maryland

Privacy is a big issue today.  It might be a brawl in Beverly Hills between bodyguards and press photographers (paparazzi.) Or the company brochure with that guy in it that got caught stealing, the truth of the matter is that we live in a world that sometimes requires us to cover our, um, selves. Most photographers are familiar with model and property releases and many use them religiously, though by no means all.  In it’s simplest form a model release is a form that people in a photograph sign that gives photographer permission to use the photo in any way they see fit.  It’s irrevocable and usually will stipulate the subject has no say over how the final images will look. Of course, minors need an adult guardian to sign for them.  

A property release is basically the same thing, only instead of covering people, it covers private property. The general rule of thumb is anyone recognizable in a photo needs a release.  Exceptions to the rule are photos used for news purposes (magazine editorial usually is covered by this exception.)  In addition to technically being a contract, releases also generally head of any issues because, like all business paperwork, it forces the parties involved to answer the tough questions before they become long painful issues.

Written by stevebuchanan

October 24, 2008 at 10:09 am